WebDAV Server Samples Problems and Troubleshooting
Examining Logs
If things are not going as planned and you run into issues the first place to look would be the log file <Your Tomcat location>\Tomcat x.x\logs\localhost.xxxx-xx-xx.log . The logs will reflect as to what is going on and it will help you to identify and resolve the issue.
Using Fiddler
You may also use a HTTP debugging proxy tool like Fiddler to analyze and debug traffic. If you have debugged tricky applications in the past, you sure are familiar with it. Fiddler is an application that helps you to analyze the traffic between the browser and application.
Since you might most probably host your sample application using local IIS or IIS Express, running on localhost, you may notice that fiddler doesn’t capture the traffic, usually when debugging Mini-redirector, IE or Microsoft Office requests. To remedy this situation you can do one of the following:
- You can simply add 'fiddler' to the end of "localhost" in the address bar (http://localhost.fiddler:9658/)
- Use your machine name as the hostname instead of Localhost or (http://machinename:9658/)
Now you are ready to capture traffic using fiddler. Below you can see the Mini-redirector requests in the fiddler.
If you encounter any issues, save the log and send it to us, we will be more than happy to help you out.