AJAX File Browser Settings Object Reference
Settings Object
The Settings object represents the initial configuration of the AJAX File Browser control. While most of the control settings could be set via method calls you will use these settings to specify initial control look.
Property | Type | Description |
Id | string or object | HTML control in which Ajax File Browser will be created. |
Url | string | WebDAV server URL. It will be displayed as a root node in AJAX File Browser. If your server is located in a different domain read more about cross-origin requests here. |
Style | string | Control style. Always provide size of the control. If your page runs in XHTML mode and you set height of the control to 100% all parent controls including HTML and BODY tags must be set to 100%: <style type="text/css"> html, body { height: 100%;} </style> |
FileIconsPath | string | Path to the folder where file icons are located. By default AJAX File Browser searches for file icons in 'icons/' folder. |
MsOfficeTemplatesPath | string | Path to the folder where Microsoft Office templates are located. You must always specify full URL with the domain. To verify that your server meets all Microsoft Office requirements read this article. This property is required only if you run AJAX File Browser in IE and want to create Microsoft Office Word. |
PluginsPath | string | Path to the folder in which the Java applet is located. The java applet opens files for editing directly from the server as well as opens default OS file manager. By default AJAX File Browser searches for the applet in 'plugins/' folder. See more details here. |
ProgressRefreshTime | number | Progress refresh time for IE and legacy user agents. When running in the legacy browsers the AJAX File Browser will request a progress from server using REPORT request. Find more details here. |
ShowFolders | boolean | Specifies if folders will be shown in files panel. Default is 'true'. |
OnUploadAutoRefresh | boolean | When file finishes uploading the Ajax File Browser will request data from the server to refresh the Files View Panel. |
NotAllowedCharacters | string | Specifies the list of characters that file and folder names can not contain. Default is ' \/:*?"<>|'. Find more details here. |
SelectedFolder | string | Specifies node to be selected in a tree. The AJAX File Browser will load files and folders list in Files Panel and will automatically expand necessary tree nodes if required. To get and set selected folder after control is created use the GetSelectedFolder and SetSelectedFolder methods. |
SelectedItems | Array<string> | Sets items select in files panel. The tree will expand to show content of the necessary folder if required. Note that all items must be located in the same folder. All items located in the folder other than the first item will be ignored. To get and set list of selected items after control is created use the GetSelectedItems and SetSelectedItems methods. |
Credentials | Credentials object | Login and password for Basic, Digest, Kerberos or Integrated Windows Authentication. Note that for cross-origin requests you should not specify parameters here, instead the user agent will present the login dialog if required. |
Panels | Panels object | Object that represents Ajax File Browser panels: Folders Panel, Files View Panel, Toolbar, Address Bar, Upload Panel and Upload Progress Panel. |
EnableHistoryNavigation | boolean | When set to true Back and Forward web browser buttons can be used to navigate through history. Default is true. Find more details here. |
OpenHistoryLink | boolean | If set to true, the Ajax File Browser will navigate to the path specified in the hash segment of URL, otherwise hash is ignored. Default is true. Find more details here. |
ShowContextHelp | boolean | If set to true, the Ajax File Browser will show the description when hovering over icons in icons view, over toolbar buttons and context menus |
Panels Object
Represents panels of Ajax File Browser. You will use this object to specify what panels should be initially visible and customize their appearance.
Property | Type | Description |
Folders | Folders object | Represents Folders Panel object. |
FilesView | FilesView object | Represents Files View Panel object. |
Toolbar | Toolbar object | Represents Toolbar object. |
AddressBar | AddressBar object | Represents Address Bar object. |
UploadPanel | UploadPanel object | Represents Upload Panel object. |
UploadProgressPanel | UploadProgressPanel object | Represents Upload Progress Panel object. |
Folders Panel Object
Represents Folders panel that contains folders tree.
Property | Type | Description |
Show | boolean | Specifies if Folders panel is visible. Default is true. |
Files View Panel Object
Represents Files panel that contains a list of files and folders or thumbnails.
Property | Type | Description |
Show | boolean | Specifies if Files View panel is visible. Default is true. |
Order | Array<string> | Array of column names for setting columns order. |
Columns | Array<Column> | Array of columns in Details view mode. |
Menu Object
Represents Ajax File Browser context menu. This object is a parent for menu items that form the context menu and is passed to OnShowMenu handler.
Property | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||
Id | string | Id.Currently context menus with following identifiers exist:
Children | Array | Array of MenuItems. Each can be a menu item or menu separator. |
Menu Item Object
Represents menu item or menu separator.
Property | Type | Description |
Id | string | Id of the menu item. |
Type | string | Can be either 'MenuItem' or 'MenuSeparator'. |
Text | string | Text displayed on the item. |
OnClick | function | Function called when menu item is selected. |
Disabled | boolean | If set to true the item is disabled. Default is false. |
Toolbar Panel Object
Represents Ajax File Browser Toolbar.
Property | Type | Description |
Show | boolean | Specifies if Toolbar panel is visible. Default is true. |
Order | Array<string> | Array of button names for setting buttons order. |
Columns | Array<Button> | Array of toolbar buttons. |
Address Bar Panel Object
Represents Ajax File Browser Address Bar.
Property | Type | Description |
Show | boolean | Specifies if Address Bar panel is visible. Default is true. |
Upload Panel Object
Represents panel used to upload files.
Property | Type | Description |
Show | boolean | Specifies if Upload panel is visible. Default is true. |
Upload Progress Panel Object
Represents Upload Progress Panel that contains information about files that are being uploaded.
Property | Type | Description |
Show | boolean | Specifies if Upload Progress panel is visible. Default is true. |
Order | Array<string> | Array of column names for setting columns order. |
Columns | Array<Column> | Array of columns. |
Column Object
Represents column in Files View Panel and Upload Progress Panel.
Property | Type | Description |
Id | string | Id of the column. By default columns with following Ids exist: In Files View Panel: Icon, Name, Size, Type, DateModified In Upload Progress Panel: Icon, Source, Destination, ProgressBar, Progress, Uploaded, FileSize, Speed, TimeLeft, TimeElapsed |
Show | boolean | Specifies if column is visible. Default is true. |
Text | string | Column caption. |
Width | string | Width of the column. You can specify width in pixels, for example '300px' or set this property to 'auto'. In case of 'auto' the column will be stretched to occupy all available space that left in grid. |
CellStyles | string | CSS style that will be applied to the column. |
Noresize | boolean | If this property is set to 'false' the column will be resizable. Default is 'false'. |
Formatter | function | Function used to format content of the column. |
Button Object
Represents a button on a Toolbar panel. A button can contain text, image, text+image or any custom HTML.
Toolbar buttons has hollowing IDs: ViewsButton, FoldersButton, UpButton, RefreshButton, UploadButton, UploadFolderButton,
NewFolderButton, DownloadButton, EditButton, FileManagerButton, VersionsButton, CustomPropButton,
DeleteButton, CopyButton, CutButton, PasteButton, InfoButton, InfoLog
Property | Type | Description |
Id | string | Id of the button. By default buttons with following Ids exist: ViewsButton, FoldersButton, UpButton. |
Show | boolean | Specifies if button is visible. Default is true. |
Text | string | Button text. |
IconClass | string | CSS class that will be used to display button icon. |
Tooltip | string | Button tooltip. |
OnClick | function | Function called when button is clicked. |
Type | string | Currently this property must be set to 'Button'. |
InnerHTML | string | Any custom HTML to be displayed instead of a button. |