Do I Need to Install davX: Protocol on a Client Machine to Open Documents from a Web Page?

The davX protocol is used to open non-MS Office documents as well as to open MS Office documents if MS Office 2010 SP2+ is NOT installed on a client machine. It is also used to open documents (both MS Office and any other docs) from servers with cookies authentication, trigger system 'Open With' dialog and open several documents simultaneously.

In most cases the IT Hit WebDAV Ajax Library can automatically detect if davX protocol is installed on a client machine and execute a callback if davX is not installed.

You need to install the davX: protocol in case:

  • If you need to open documents from a WebDAV server with cookies authentication.
  • If you need to print documents from a web page.
  • If you have MS Office 2010 SP1 or earlier or MS Office 2008 for Mac or earlier installed on a client machine and need to open MS Office documents.
  • If you want to open MS Office documents using any non-MS Office or LibreOffice software.
  • If you need to open Photoshop documents, Adobe PDF documents, Autocad files, text document or any other types of documents using applications that do not install protocols.
  • If you need to allow selecting the application that will open a document using "Open With" system dialog.
  • If you need to open more than one document at a time.

Use DavProtocolEditDocument() function in this case.

You do not need to install the davX: protool:

  • If you have MS Office 2010 SP2 or later or MS Office 2011 for Mac or later installed on a client machine and want to open MS Office or LibreOffice documents only (doc, docx, odt, etc). Your server must support challenge-response authentication (Basic, Digest, NTLM or Kerberos) or URL-authentication or MS-OFBA or be anonymous.
  • If you have LibreOffice installed on a client machine and want to open MS Office or LibreOffice documents. Your server must support challenge-response authentication (Basic, Digest, NTLM or Kerberos) or URL-authentication or be anonymous.
Use MicrosoftOfficeEditDocument() or EditDocument() functions in this case.

See Also:



Opening Photoshop Files for Editing from a Web Page | Opening Office Documents in a LibreOffice for Editing from a Web Page | Opening AutoCAD Files from a Web Page for Editing | Opening PDF File in Adobe Acrobat for Editing from a Web Page

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Protocol Application Detection and Installation