Managing Items Hierarchy with JavaScript WebDAV Library
The IT Hit WebDAV Ajax Library provides the following core classes:
WebDAVSession - represents a session for accessing WebDAV server.
Folder - represents a folder on a WebDAV server.
File - represents a file on a WebDAV server.
HierarchyItem - the base class for files and folders.
Below we will describe how to list folder contents, create, copy, move and delete files and folders. All operations described in this article are supported by any Class 1 compliant WebDAV server.
Listing Folder Children
To enumerate folder content use the Folder.GetChildrenAsync function. This function returns all items in a folder, in the order determined by the server.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>IT Hit WebDAV Ajax Library</title> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var sFolderUrl = 'http://localhost:35829/'; var oSession = new ITHit.WebDAV.Client.WebDavSession(); oSession.OpenFolderAsync(sFolderUrl, null, function (oFolderAsyncResult) { if (!oFolderAsyncResult.IsSuccess) { console.error(oFolderAsyncResult.Error); return; } /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Folder} oFolder */ var oFolder = oFolderAsyncResult.Result; console.log(oFolder.Href); oFolder.GetChildrenAsync(false, null, function (oAsyncResult) { if (!oAsyncResult.IsSuccess) { console.error(oFolderAsyncResult.Error); return; } /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.HierarchyItem[]} aHierarchyItems */ var aHierarchyItems = oAsyncResult.Result; for (var i = 0, l = aHierarchyItems.length; i < l; i++) { var sSize = aHierarchyItems[i].ResourceType !== ITHit.WebDAV.Client.ResourceType.Folder ? Math.round(aHierarchyItems[i].ContentLength / 1000) + ' Kb' : null; console.log(' [' + aHierarchyItems[i].ResourceType + '] ' + aHierarchyItems[i].DisplayName + (sSize ? ', ' + sSize : '')); } }); }); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
The first parameter of the GetChildrenAsync function indicates if immediate children of this folder are requested or the entire subtree.
When listing folder content you can also request any additional data from server in the same request. To do this you will pass a list of required properties into Folder.GetChildrenAsync() function as a second parameter. In this case the properties will be returned for each item in the list and will become available in HierarchyItem.Properties list. See "Requesting Custom Properties When Listing Folder Content" section in Managing Properties article for more details.
Note that instead of requesting all items in a folder you can request a specified range of items using Folder.GetPageAsync() function. See this Paging Through Children Items article.
Creating Folder
To create a folder use the Folder.CreateFolderAsync function.
var webDavSession = new ITHit.WebDAV.Client.WebDavSession(); var sFolderAbsolutePath = 'http://localhost:87654/'; var fCallback = function() {}; webDavSession.OpenFolderAsync(sFolderAbsolutePath, null, function(oAsyncResult) { /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Folder} oFolder */ var oFolder = oAsyncResult.Result; oFolder.CreateFolderAsync('my_folder', null, null, function(oAsyncResult) { if (oAsyncResult.IsSuccess) { /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Folder} oNewFolder */ var oNewFolder = oAsyncResult.Result; console.log(oNewFolder.Href); } else if (oAsyncResult.Error instanceof ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Exceptions.MethodNotAllowedException) { console.log('Folder already exists.'); } fCallback(oAsyncResult); }); });
Creating a File
Note that to upload files typically you do not need to create them as described below. Read the Ajax File & Folder Upload article to find how to implement upload.
To create a file use the Folder.CreateFileAsync function.
var webDavSession = new ITHit.WebDAV.Client.WebDavSession(); var sFolderAbsolutePath = 'http://localhost:87654/'; var fCallback = function() {}; webDavSession.OpenFolderAsync(sFolderAbsolutePath, null, function(oFolderAsyncResult) { /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Folder} oFolder */ var oFolder = oFolderAsyncResult.Result; oFolder.CreateFileAsync('myfile.txt', null, 'Hello World!', null, function(oAsyncResult) { /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.File} oFile */ var oFile = oAsyncResult.Result; if (oAsyncResult.Error) { console.log(oAsyncResult.toString()); } if (oAsyncResult.IsSuccess) { console.log(oFile.DisplayName); // myfile.txt } fCallback(oAsyncResult); }); });
Writing File Content
Note that to upload files typically you do not need to write file content as described below. Read the Ajax File & Folder Upload article to find how to implement upload.
To write a file content use the File.WriteContentAsync function.
var webDavSession = new ITHit.WebDAV.Client.WebDavSession(); var sFileAbsolutePath = 'http://localhost:87654/myfile.txt'; var fCallback = function() {}; webDavSession.OpenFileAsync(sFileAbsolutePath, null, function(oFileAsyncResult) { /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.File} oFile */ var oFile = oFileAsyncResult.Result; oFile.WriteContentAsync('Some content.', null, 'text/plain', function(oAsyncResult) { if (oAsyncResult.IsSuccess) { console.log('Content is saved!'); } fCallback(oAsyncResult); }); });
Reading File Content
Note that to download files you will just place an anchor on a web page with a link to a file returned in HierarchyItem.Href.
To read file content use the File.ReadContentAsync function.
var webDavSession = new ITHit.WebDAV.Client.WebDavSession(); var sFileAbsolutePath = 'http://localhost:87654/myfile.txt'; var fCallback = function() {}; webDavSession.OpenFileAsync(sFileAbsolutePath, null, function(oFileAsyncResult) { /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.File} oFile */ var oFile = oFileAsyncResult.Result; oFile.ReadContentAsync(null, null, function(oAsyncResult) { console.log(oAsyncResult.Result); fCallback(oAsyncResult); }); });
To download only a part of a file, you can specify 2 parameters in the ReadContent call. The First parameter is the starting byte (zero-based) at which to start the content download, the second – amount of bytes to be downloaded. The library will add Range header to the request, in this case.
Checking if Child Item Exists
To verify if the child item exists in the folder use the Folder.ItemExistsAsync function.
var webDavSession = new ITHit.WebDAV.Client.WebDavSession(); var sFolderAbsolutePath = 'http://localhost:87654/'; var fCallback = function() {}; webDavSession.OpenFolderAsync(sFolderAbsolutePath, null, function(oAsyncResult) { /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Folder} oFolder */ var oFolder = oAsyncResult.Result; oFolder.ItemExistsAsync('my_folder', function(oAsyncResult) { if (oAsyncResult.Result) { console.log('Item exists'); } else { console.log('Item not found'); } fCallback(oAsyncResult); }); });
Copying Items
To copy an item use the HierarchyItem.CopyToAsync function.
var webDavSession = new ITHit.WebDAV.Client.WebDavSession(); var sFolderAbsolutePath = 'http://localhost:87654/Products/'; var sFileAbsolutePath = 'http://localhost:87654/myfile.txt'; var fCallback = function() {}; webDavSession.OpenFileAsync(sFileAbsolutePath, null, function(oFileAsyncResult) { /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.File} oFile */ var oFile = oFileAsyncResult.Result; webDavSession.OpenFolderAsync(sFolderAbsolutePath, null, function(oFolderAsyncResult) { /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Folder} oFolder */ var oFolder = oFolderAsyncResult.Result; oFile.CopyToAsync(oFolder, 'myproduct.txt', true, null, null, function(oAsyncResult) { if (oAsyncResult.IsSuccess) { console.log('Copy successfully completed.'); } else if (oAsyncResult.Error instanceof ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Exceptions.PreconditionFailedException) { console.log('The item with such name exists and `overwrite` was `false`.'); } else if (oAsyncResult.Error instanceof ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Exceptions.WebDavHttpException) { var sErrorText = oAsyncResult.Error.Message + ' ' + oAsyncResult.Error.Status.Code + ' ' + oAsyncResult.Error.Status.Description; // Find which items failed to copy. for(var i = 0, l = oAsyncResult.Error.Multistatus.Responses.length; i < l; i++) { var oResponse = oAsyncResult.Error.Multistatus.Responses[i]; sErrorText += '\n' + oResponse.Href + ' ' + oResponse.Status.Code + ' ' + oResponse.Status.Description; } console.log('Copy error: ' + sErrorText); } else { console.log('Copy error: ' + String(oAsyncResult.Error)); } fCallback(oAsyncResult); }); }); });
Moving Items
To move an item use the HierarchyItem.MoveToAsync function.
var webDavSession = new ITHit.WebDAV.Client.WebDavSession(); var sDestinationFolderAbsolutePath = 'http://localhost:87654/Sales/'; var sSourceFolderAbsolutePath = 'http://localhost:87654/Products/'; var fCallback = function() {}; webDavSession.OpenFolderAsync(sSourceFolderAbsolutePath, null, function(oSourceFolderAsyncResult) { /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Folder} oSourceFolder */ var oSourceFolder = oSourceFolderAsyncResult.Result; webDavSession.OpenFolderAsync(sDestinationFolderAbsolutePath, null, function(oDestinationFolderAsyncResult) { /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Folder} oDestinationFolder */ var oDestinationFolder = oDestinationFolderAsyncResult.Result; oSourceFolder.MoveToAsync(oDestinationFolder, oSourceFolder.DisplayName, false, null, function(oAsyncResult) { if (oAsyncResult.IsSuccess) { console.log('Move successfully completed.'); } else if (oAsyncResult.Error instanceof ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Exceptions.PreconditionFailedException) { console.log('The item with such name exists and `overwrite` was `false`.'); } fCallback(oAsyncResult); }); }); });
Deleting Items
To delete an item use the HierarchyItem.DeleteAsync function.
var webDavSession = new ITHit.WebDAV.Client.WebDavSession(); var sFolderAbsolutePath = 'http://localhost:87654/my_folder/'; var fCallback = function() {}; webDavSession.OpenFolderAsync(sFolderAbsolutePath, null, function(oAsyncResult) { /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Folder} oFolder */ var oFolder = oAsyncResult.Result; oFolder.DeleteAsync(null, function(oAsyncResult) { if (oAsyncResult.IsSuccess) { console.log('Folder successfully deleted.'); } fCallback(oAsyncResult); }); });