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A new version of WebDAV Ajax Library is provided with a new protocol application bringing one of the biggest updates since v2 release in 2016. The new protocol application is backed by secure Windows and macOS platform API specifically designed for cloud file system operations and synchronization. 

The New Protocol Application - WebDAV Drive

The new protocol application is designed to support modern synchronization features, while maintaining compatibility with your existing WebDAV server components. It is powered by the Windows Cloud Files API and macOS File Provider API that is also used in OneDrive.

The new version provides many OneDrive-like features, including on-demand loading, offline mode, progress, file system status reporting, and is tightly integrated into Windows File Manager and macOS Finder. Here is what's new in the protocol application:

  • Basic Auth, Cookies Auth, MS-OFBA Auth support.
  • Unlimited file size upload/download support.
  • Modern Synchronization features: on-demand loading, selective offline availability, download/upload progress, file system status reporting.
  • Manual and automatic MS Office documents locking support.
  • Manual locking via Web UI and via Windows Explorer/macOS Finder.
  • Can be programmed to virtually any server protocol.
  • Full source codes in .NET/C# are available.
  • OAuth2 or any custom auth scheme can be implemented (source codes license is required).
  • No drivers or any kernel-mode components are installed. All code securely runs without admin privileges in user space.


The new protocol application is published to Windows Store and to macOS Apple Store. Follow these links to download the app:

You can also deploy the protocol application in a corporate environment as a regular Windows/macOS application.

Safe User-Space Low-Privileged Code Only

The new version takes into account latest guidelines from Microsoft and Apple regarding safe and reliable file system development and is running with minimum privileges in user mode.

The application does not install any kernel-mode drivers and does not require admin privileges at any stage, including for installation. The application if using registry and file system virtualization on Windows and is sandboxed on macOS, achieving the highest level of security standards.


The new protocol application supports virtually any authentication that exists today. Including Basic, Digest, NTLM, Kerberos, Cookies and MS-OFBA. With a source codes version you have a freedom to implement SSO, OAuth2 any token-based authentication or custom authentication required in your project, including starting a default or predefined web browser to extract a token.

Manual Locking

Previous versions were limited to automatic locking with MS Office only because of the limitations of client-side WebClient and Mini-redirector programming. You could only lock the file by submitting the request to the server which blocked file editing for the user that submitted the lock at the same time.

Now you have full access to client-side file system and its API and can submit a lock command from a web browser or from Explorer/Finder to a local file and than open that file for editing.

Synchronization Support

The new protocol application supports first class file management and synchronization features, that you can find in OneDrive:

  • On-demand loading. Populates only folders and hydrates only documents that a user (or application) have accessed, saving client disk space and improving performance.
  • Offline files support. A user can preload selected files and folders making them available in the offline mode.
  • Large files and folders sizes. Tested with hundred gigabyte file size and folders with hundreds of thousands items.
  • OneDrive-like platform integration. Windows Explorer and macOS Finder displays files and folders statuses and progress.  

WebDAV or any Other Protocol

With a new version you are not tied to WebDAV any more. The WebDAV Drive runs on IT Hit User File System that can be programmed to virtually any protocol, or any custom server API. .NET/C# samples provided with a User File System will help you to get started with secure file system programming in no time.

WebClient Windows Service Retirement

The new protocol application does not rely on WebClient Windows Service any more, that is planned for retirement by Microsoft. It also does not utilize any Mini-redirector driver components or commands. We recommend upgrading to the new version to avoid any issues with WebClient retirement.

History of the Protocol Application

The protocol application was introduced in 2014, and was running as a Java Applet in a web browser. It was later replaced by a WebClient-based version in 2016. The great demand for the protocol application quickly pushed it to macOS and several Linux flavors. It was servicing our customers for over 8 years, being deployed to hundreds thousands of machines.

In 2019 IT Hit started experimenting with a new Windows and macOS API as soon as it became available. The new version introduces a synchronization-based approach backed by modern and secure platform API specifically designed for cloud files management.